a company offering multiple publishing services, with a large EPUB expertise. Nord Compo can develop custom Readium-based mobile reading applications, with LCP support.
Read Moreits flagship product, KNiTO is a complete EPUB 3 authoring, publishing, sales, and reader solution. KNiTO Store is a dedicated EPUB 3 book shop.
Read MoreRede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa is a non-profit organization which operates and develops the national advanced networking infrastructure, known as the Ipê network, for cooperation and communication in education, research, health and culture. RNP is also operating the deployment of the LCP DRM for the Brazilian PNLD program, which will soon provide ebooks to millions of students in Brazil.
Read Morean ebook and audiobook distributor and developer of technical solutions for ebook distribution, including e-readers, desktop and mobile applications.
Read MoreWafer Systems (Asia) Limited (“Wafer”) is an IT Solution Company with over 30 years of system integration and software development experiences. Apart from Hong Kong, Wafer is having offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Suzhou of the PRC, Shenzhen and ASEAN; and a software development center in Xian, covering various business areas, such as Internet Infrastructure Build, Cloud and Security, Smart Office, Workspace Management and mobile workforce solutions. Since 2021, Wafer has been engaging in a system project for the public libraries of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. LCP server and mobile applications for ebook resources are adopted by Wafer in the project.
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