Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (the German Publishers and Booksellers Association) represents the interests of Germany's book industry in the political and public spheres. It was founded in Leipzig in 1825 and currently has roughly 4,500 members, which include booksellers, publishers, wholesalers and other media companies. As both a trade association and a cultural organisation, the Börsenverein works to promote books and reading whilst also fostering fair copyright laws and the preservation of Germany's policy of fixed book prices. It also seeks to promote cultural diversity and uphold the right to freedom of expression.
Read MoreThe ambition of Cairn.info is to help publishing houses, organizations or associations in charge of French-speaking humanities publications to manage the coexistence of paper and digital formats.
Read Moreone of the leading suppliers of publications from across Southern Europe to libraries and institutions worldwide.
Read MoreThe Centre for Equitable Library Access is a national non-profit organisation established by Canadian public libraries to champion the fundamental right of Canadians with print disabilities to access media and reading materials in the format of their choice.
Read Morethe interprofessional union at the service of the book and its actors. EDRLab founding member.
Read MoreČeská zemědělská univerzita v Praze (Czech University of Life Sciences)
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (Czech University of Life Sciences) websiteJump-tech has crafted a sophisticated mobile application, MyCZU, designed to operate seamlessly on both Android and iOS platforms, with robust support for LCP (Learning Content Package). This innovative solution caters to the needs of university students by providing access to a wide array of PDF and EPUB3 ebooks, as well as other educational materials. The application offers users (primarily students) the flexibility to lend, buy, or in certain instances, read these materials for free. However, the protection of authors' rights remains a paramount priority for the university.
Read Morethe hub by which book orders flow through in France; Dilicom also manages the B2B exchanges related to the national ebook lending solution Prêt Numérique en Bibliothèque.
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